IRD and Indian Perspective- A Panel Discussion  

13th May 2023, New Delhi, India

KAICIID African Fellows visited New Delhi for their second training session. Fr. Dr.Thomas, Ms. Kenu Agarwal, and Prof. Dr. Baharul Islam addressed keynotes on the topic of IRD and the Indian Scenario. They shared that Indian society as one of the most diverse in nature and culture is playing a pivotal role here in the society. It is important to note that these descriptions provide a general overview, and individual perspectives within each stakeholder group can vary widely. Additionally, there are numerous other religious and non-religious communities in India, each with its own perspectives and contributions to interfaith dialogue. The IRD in India is a dynamic process that involves ongoing conversations, collaborations, and efforts to build bridges of understanding and respect among diverse religious groups.

Conflict is a long political part of the Indian social fabric and its Indian literature and language is playing a crucial role in terms of interreligious dialogue and intercultural dialogue. 

Respected Panelists presented Christian, Hindu, and Muslim perspectives as per the Indian scenario to the KAICIID African Cohort. The session was well-versed with interactive and discussion plenary.